im sorry things didnt turn out the way it should have.
things will get better. there is no way to go but up.
be strong.
be safe.
lunch time conversation
We were having lunch and my designer got herself an orange/celery juice. All seven of us at the lunch table, recoiled in disgust at the thought of the awful combination.
And it is when the most mind boggling lunch conversation took place.
E1: Orange juice and celery? Why so weird one? But celery juice got taste meh?
E2: Of course lar.
E1: How does it taste like?
E2: Like celery lar!
All of a sudden, my bowl of bland mee soto is most interesting. And looking at the Bosses reactions, I reckon their kway chaps and wanton mee are tastier than it was a 20secs ago.
WELL, no surprises here:
You Are Most Like Charlotte! |
![]() You are the ultimate romantic idealist You've been hurt before, but that hasn't caused you to give up on love. If anything, your resolve to fall in love is stronger than ever. And it's this feminine optimism that men find most appealing about you. Romantic prediction: That guy you are seeing (or crushing on)? Could be very serious - if you play your cards right! |
i cannot wait to camwhore!!!!
against sunsets and the sea, WOOHOO!!!!
ok babes i will be leaving my house in *gasp*
5 HOURS!!!!!!
and then will be snorkelling in phuket from mon-wed, and shopping in bangkok from thurs-sun.
be back on sunday, 11plus pm. no worries, if got natural disaster/anything newsworthily shocking, u can call my mum and then ask her how to get me coz i've got my phone (with her sim card) with me.
OKIE DOKIE! time to sleep. packing has made me sleepy and grrrrr-umpy.