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exerpts from a press release

i was supposed to write this up, but... well, read on and you'll understand.

Integration by Bio-technology and traditions agriculture we develop new century functional major food for eastern people.

We has adopted cutting edge biotechnology facilities that involved no artificial chemical element to produce our very own *product name*. The process involved extraction of beneficial substance from specific brown rice and further enhancing the "vitality".

If we say *product* is living, brown rice is sleeping, white rice is death. So you need the *product* nutritional value in 21 century.

We want to keep the *product* is delicious and more safety, so we keep into a vacuum package.
i think after i read that last sentence (only mid-way thru the press release), i fainted. no friends, there are NO typos in the above extract. i'd wanted to bold out the words/sentences that are grammatically wrong or make no sense, but then, I'D BE BOLDING THE WHOLE THING.



  1. Blogger feline | 12:00 AM |  

    i was mildly interested when i saw 'biotech'... then proceeded to become blinded in the process.


  2. Blogger furple | 9:27 AM |  

    i was mildly sian when i saw "biotech"... then proceeded to faint after reading through it.
